Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring is Here!

It's Spring! The long, cold days of winter are over (not that it ever actually got that cold, but still). This is my favorite day of the year!

Also, it means Breezy Point is getting closer... 1749 hours, or 2 months, 11 days, 21 hours to go. Not that I'm counting.

As for the picture, all I'll say is, "Spring is here, spring is here/Life is skittles and life is beer/I think the loveliest time of the year is the Spring. I do. Don't you? Of course you do." And mention that I'm a big Tom Lehrer fan.

(And no ACTUAL pigeons were harmed in the making of this post)


But if you like high-energy particle physics and are less fond of pigeons, you've gotta read this XKCD.

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