Friday, November 16, 2007

I Didn't Drown

I'm still waiting for the ACAC folks to get lessons arranged, but that didn't stop me from throwing myself in the pool anyway. Yeah, it was the warm water pool with the older folks relaxing in it, but I swam 28 laps in it (it's about 10 yards long), then went and did two laps in the "real" pool. Total of about 335 yards in 45 minutes. Beijing Olympics, here I come! Or not.

Addendum: Swim lessons will start on 11/30!

(Please help out with a donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through my fundraising page -- Thanks so much!)


ctwardy said...

Hey! You're an engineer -- I want progress graphs! Let's watch the convergence of your lap/mile times!

(I am way impressed by this undertaking. Straight on 'til morning.)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on not drowning! You are aware that the triathlon requires that you wear ankle and wrist weights during the race, right? ;)

ctwardy said...

OK, you do have a link to the raw data, on the left. Awaiting the graphs....